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Red Rice Benefits: Health & Nutritional Benefits of Red Rice

There are numerous benefits of red rice that you may not always know about, especially when it comes to the nutrients and other essential minerals contained in the same. Red rice is always a healthier option for daily consumption. This is because it comes packed with vital nutrients.

Anthocyanin is the most important part of red rice and this promotes better health and vitality as well. This is what gives the rice its signature red hue while also helping in reducing blood pressure levels, combating diabetes and enhancing overall vision. It also goes a long way towards lowering cancer cell count. It gets anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory attributes too. Red rice is fiber-packed along with containing Vitamins B2 and B1, iron and calcium alongside.

Biggest benefits of red rice

  • Reduces Blood Sugar- Red rice helps in lowering blood sugar considerably due to its lower glycemic index. This helps keep sugar levels controlled since uncontrolled levels of blood sugar may lead to eye, heart and kidney damage.
  • Combats Asthma- Red Rice is a good source of magnesium and helps in enhancing overall breathing patterns. It also boosts consumption of oxygen and bodily circulation, enabling better management of asthma.
  • Improves Bone Health- Red rice also has magnesium and calcium which are both key nutrients for improved health of the bones. The variety helps in combating osteoporosis, arthritis and other bone-linked ailments.
  • Enhances Digestion- Red rice is an excellent source of both insoluble and soluble fiber and this helps in easing out bowel movements and overall digestion. Fiber is helpful for combating constipation and diarrhea alike.
  • Enables Weight Loss- Red rice helps in keeping people fuller for long and enhances overall digestive health over a period of time. It also helps greatly with managing weight. The fat content is absolutely nil and it contributes immensely towards reducing hunger cravings.
  • Lowers cardiovascular ailment risks- Red rice will make a huge difference with regard to reducing risks of cardiovascular diseases and similar ailments. It contains whole grains which may help in lowering bad cholesterol and heart disease risks.
  • Boosts skin health- The antioxidant attributes of anthocyanin will help in delaying signs of UV-driven skin damage and premature ageing. It is also loaded with vitamins and minerals like iron and zinc. This helps greatly in terms of skin nourishment.


Is red rice better in comparison to brown rice?

While it is debatable, red rice is quite similar to brown rice. The antioxidant content is almost 10 times higher than brown rice. Red rice also contains more selenium which safeguards our bodies from various infections. At the same time, brown rice also contains zinc and iron in good amounts.

Should I consume red rice every day?

Red rice is a good addition to your regular diet regime since it is a whole grain. It retains the whole grain seed including the bran, germ and endosperm. Red rice has this special component known as anthocyanin and it is consumed either semi-hulled or totally un-hulled.

Can you lose weight by eating red rice?

The red rice gets its signature colour due to the antioxidant which is known as anthocyanin. This is suitable for losing weight. Red rice also contains manganese which has properties of boosting metabolism. A cup of red rice will have 216 calories and may help you lose weight in the long run.

Can I digest red rice easily?

If you are looking for easily digestible grains, then red rice is a good option as compared to white rice. It is not hard to digest red rice in spite of its high nutritional content.
